Yadav in NEWS
Grand Alliance
Grand Nephew of Shri Mulayam Singh Yadav ji to marry the daughter of Shri Lalu Prasad Yadav ji

Shri Tej Pratap Yadav ji on extreme Left

Ms. Raj Laxhmi Yadav (3rd from Left)
कुलदीप यादव के रूप में टीम इंडिया को मिला पहला 'चाइनामैन' गेंदबाज
लंबे समय से टीम इंडिया को एक 'चाइनामैन' गेंदबाज की दरकार थी, ये तलाश अब पूरी होती नजर आ रही है. कोलकाता नाइट राइडर्स (केकेआर) के लिए खेलने वाले स्पिन गेंदबाज कुलदीप यादव में चाइनामैन नजर आ चुका है, लेकिन देखना होगा कि इंटरनेशनल क्रिकेट में उनकी फिरकी कितना कमाल दिखाती है.
वेस्टइंडीज के खिलाफ होने वाली घरेलू वनडे सीरीज के पहले तीन मैचों के लिए कुलदीप को 14 सदस्यीय टीम में जगह दे दी गई है और उम्मीद है कि उन्हें मैच इंटरनेशनल करियर का पहला मैच खेलने का मौका भी जरूर मिलेगा. अंडर-19 वर्ल्ड कप के बाद कुलदीप ने चैंपियंस लीग के मौजूदा सीजन में शानदार प्रदर्शन किया और टीम इंडिया में जगह बनाने में कामयाब रहे. चैंपियंस लीग के फाइनल में केकेआर को पहुंचाने में इस गेंदबाज ने अहम भूमिका निभाई.
कुलदीप के लिए सुनील गावसकर ने तो यहां तक कह डाला कि अगर मैं चयनकर्ता होता तो बिना एक भी फर्स्ट क्लास मैच खेले ही इसे टेस्ट टीम में चुन लेता. गावसकर ही हैं जिन्होंने बहुत कम उम्र में सचिन तेंदुलकर की प्रतिभा को भी पहचाना था. उसके बाद मास्टर ब्लास्टर ने इंटरनेशनल क्रिकेट में कदम रखने के बाद क्या कमाल दिखाए वो किसी को बताने की जरूरत नहीं है.
कुलदीप ने अभी तक कुल 8 टी-20 मैच खेले हैं, जिनमें उनका इकॉनमी रेट 5.53 रहा है और उनके खाते में 12.64 की औसत से 14 विकेट भी हैं. टी-20 क्रिकेट में ये इकॉनमी रेट बताता है कि कुलदीप किस तरह के गेंदबाज हैं. अंडर-19 टीम के लिए ऑस्ट्रेलिया गए कुलदीप जब भारत लौटे तो उन्हें मुंबई इंडियंस टीम से जुड़ना था. नेट सेशन के दौरान तेंदुलकर ने किसी से कहा कि नए लड़के कुलदीप को भेजो, मैं देखना चाहता हूं कि वो कैसी गेंदबाजी करता है? कुलदीप ने पहली पांच गेंदे तो नॉर्मल चाइनामैन डिलीवरी फेंकी लेकिन छठी गेंद पर जो हुआ वो देखकर ये दोनों ही खिलाड़ी हैरान रह गए. कुलदीप की गेंद पर तेंदुलकर का मिडिल स्टंप उखड़ गया. तेंदुलकर ने इस बल्लेबाज से जाकर कहा- 'वेल बॉल्ड कुलदीप.' एक इंटरव्यू में कुलदीप ने ये बात खुद बताई थी.
कुलदीप बता चुके हैं कि वो शेन वॉर्न जैसे गेंदबाज बनना चाहते हैं. चैंपियंस लीग में इस गेंदबाज ने अभी तक चार मैच खेले हैं और 6 विकेट अपनी झोली में डाल चुका है. इन सभी मैचों में उनका इकॉनमी रेट बढ़िया रहा है. अंडर-19 टीम के लिए इस स्पिनर ने 2 मैच खेले और तीन विकेट झटके थे. अब देखना ये है कि वेस्टइंडीज के खिलाफ अगर कुलदीप को मौका मिलता है तो वो कैसे कैरेबियाई बल्लेबाजों को अपनी फिरकी में फांसते हैं.
ये है भारत का सबसे बड़ा राजनीतिक परिवार

Three Yadav’s and one Baba
By Sanjiv Acharya
The joke doing the rounds in the corridors of Parliament is that all the three prominent Yadav leaders of Indian politics – Lalu Prasad Yadav, Mulayam Singh Yadav and Sharad Yadav are most upset with both Ramdev Baba and Anna Hazare. The reason?
Ramdev is a Yadav by caste and is raising the issue of corruption, black money and Lokpal. And now Anna Hazare who worships “Yadav Baba” in his Ralegaon Siddhi temple and is pushing the Jan Lokpal Bill is strongly opposed by these three Yadav Babas.
This trio of Yadavs is totally with Congress and UPA government so far as fighting Team Anna is concerned as they are afraid of the worshiper of ‘Yadav Baba’.
Short URL: http://currentnews.in/?p=21137
Samajwadi Party (SP) chief Mulayam Singh Yadav has reason to be a proud father. His elder son Akhilesh Yadav at age 39 is chief minister of Uttar Pradesh while his 25-year-old younger son Prateek has made a mark as a body-builder.
Before entering politics, 'netaji' or leader, as Mulayam Singh is called by his supporters, was himself famous as a 'pehelwan' or body builder.
In September, the younger Yadav was featured in an internationally acclaimed body building website as "the international transformation of the month".
The transformation in Prateek left many stunned. His weight dropped from 103-plus kg to 67 kg over the past few years; he has also added rippling muscles to his 5 feet 11 inch frame.
The transition, Prateek told IANS, happened as a result of a pep talk he received from Mulayam Singh over a decade ago.
"I was back from my school in Dehradun with pneumonia. In the course of treatment, steroids were administered, and it led to major weight gain. By the time I turned 11 years old, I weighed 103 kg."
Netaji asked him to shed weight and told him that if he lost 10 kg, he would fetch himself a reward.
"He would chide me and tell me not to gorge on mangoes, and tell me to drink my milk plain, without Bournvita, as weight was becoming such a big concern," Prateek says.
Prateek also decided to join a local gymnasium and compete with two other friends in a weight loss race.
All these efforts began to pay off. In time, he stood on the weighing scales and found himself 15 kg lighter.
Ever since, Prateek says, he has maintained a steady diet-and-exercise regimen.
It helps that he is married to his only love, Aparna, who too joins him in his 45-minute "intense work out."
"Now," an excited Prateek says, "There are old friends who think I am my own younger brother!"
There are people who wonder how he has managed to retain the bodybuilder's structure over so long. "It's become a habit now, I don't even have to try," Prateek says, giving one an insight into his diet and lifestyle.
There are multi-grain 'rotis' and olive oil, and a protein shake. And all the food he eats is measured. His family now knows just what and how much he will eat.
Wife Aparna points out that her husband is a vegetarian: "Prateek is a complete vegetarian, a needle-free bodybuilder," she says, with evident pride.
Prateek explains that he has never had steroids for muscle gain; and he says he is proud to demolish the myth that only non-vegetarians can have rippling muscles.
"I eat a lot of vegetables and fruits. I am vegetarian, and my body is here for all to see!"
And how does his father react to Prateek's bodybuilding feat?
"Obviously, he is elated. He is a busy man, and we only get to meet late at night. He then has time to share some time-tested bodybuilding techniques," Prateek says.
"Papa has his own way of explaining fitness: a man's chest should be the thing thrust out, not his belly, he says. And one should never entirely satisfy one's hunger, one should eat just a wee bit less. Those are his tips," says Prateek.
With 18.25 biceps to show, Prateek now has a new mission: he would like to propagate the vegetarian-as-bodybuilder notion and see more bodybuilders go veggie.
And how does he feel to be so apolitical in a family of leading politicians?
Politics only interested him ever when he was eight years old, Prateek says.
"I would see my father on TV, and then try to imitate him: 'Brothers and sisters, I am now just a young boy...' my speech would go, the young man says, chuckling.
And what does he have to say about his father Mulayam Singh Yadav and brother Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav?
"Netaji has a great memory, he remembers everyone," says Prateek. "Akhilesh bhaiyya has a vision, he wants much changed," he says.
A beautiful body, and politically correct: that's Prateek.
Padmashree Mrs. Phoolbasan Bai Yadav

Padmashree Phoolbasan Bai Yadav, a social entrepreneur leading the women brigade in Chhattisgarh is a seventh-grade pass out from an impoverished background who heads a 200,000-strong women self-help group in Chhattisgarh, has been at the heart of a mini-revolution in the state.
A SOCIAL entrepreneur, change-maker and a reformist social worker– these are just a few names to describe Padmashree awardee Phoolbasan Bai Yadav, who has literally made it from ‘nowhere to everywhere’. One of her proudest moments came on the morning of April 4, when President Pratibha Patil conferred her with the Padma Shree award, not before informing her that ‘you have done it at a very young age’.
Asked to describe what it meant after receiving the prestigious medal, the 42-year-old mother of four children says it is not only recognition of her work but the fact "we have to work four-times better than we did in the past’. Mrs Yadav says: “Receiving the medal was a great honour and a dream come true. I have taken a pledge to carry forward my work with more vigour and speed because there is a lot to be done.”
In just eleven years of her social work, Mrs Yadav has gone on to lead 12,000 women Samitis or self-help groups that have a total strength of 200,000 women workers in almost all the districts of Chhattisgarh. Just a seventh-grade pass out, this woman has created a viable business model, which highly-educated entrepreneurs in big metros can only dream about. Named after the goddess Durga, the Maan Bamleshwari Janhit Kare Samiti, not only acts as a watchdog on the government departments in the state but also does the sanitation, cleanliness drives along with digging soak-pits and operating women sewing centres.
Mrs Yadav's initiative is an example of how simple attempts to bring important change at the very grassroots can gather momentum and become a powerful movement that power structures at the very top take notice.
Female brand ambassadors to curb female foeticide in Rajasthan The group doesn’t ask or receive any donations from any foreign or local donors but has still managed to collect a sum of Rs 15 crore in a decade. “We started with Rs 2 per head per week from every member and because of that we managed to collect this sum,” says Mrs Yadav.
While poverty and illiteracy force women to take the extreme step of suicide but for Mrs Yadav, it seems like a blessing in disguise. “We have faced endless nights when we went to sleep without a morsel in our stomach and realising the pain of hunger and poverty, I vowed to improve not only my situation but all such families living around and I tell you, there are countless such people in our state,” informs Mrs Yadav.
Currently, the group has taken the responsibility for the education of 54 kids in the state but how does that make a difference as the government already provides free education to all primary school students? Mrs Yadav has the answer. “Parents don’t let children go to these schools as they want them to earn a livelihood for the family. So the government process fails at that point in time.”
It is here that the role of this self-help group comes in the picture. “We approach such parents and ask for the reasons but in most of the cases we found out that they don’t have any sources of income and then we decided to address that root problem. We approach the bank and make sure that these people are provided loans to start their own businesses and once money starts trickling in, they make sure that their children attend the classes,” adds Mrs Yadav, with a smile.
Dressed in pink saris, these women groups could be spotted keeping a watch on the school teachers when they are not travelling on their bicycles through far-off villages, creating awareness against the ill practices against women. Under the leadership of Mrs Yadav, the group has forced the closure of 250 liquor stores during their campaign, ‘Sharab Bandi’ (end to liquor consumption).
Mrs Yadav had to spend several nights in the shivering cold when she was beaten up and thrown out of her house by her husband for her social work programmes but in a decade things have completely changed, though her husband still grazes cattle in the Sukuldaihan village. “The main reason was that the society is male-dominated and adding to that was the poverty but once he saw me on every TV network and newspapers and everyone praising me for the social work, he had to change his opinion,” says Mrs Yadav said with raised eyebrows.
Participation of women in Gram Sabha is something still unheard of in rural areas of the country but the campaign of Mrs Yadav has changed the equation, at least in her Rajnandgaon district. “More than 75% women participate in the Gram Sabha and women who wouldn’t even dare to raise their covered heads now speak uninterrupted at length in these public meetings,” a confident Mrs Yadav says.
Child marriages have become synonymous with illiteracy and poverty and this was always the focus of this group and through their efforts, more than 570 such marriages in the district. How do they manage to stop such marriages? Mrs Yadav says that the group convinces their parents of harmful effects on the health of girl child. “I was married at 10 and that gives me an edge to make them understand better,” says Mrs Yadav.
Awards are nothing new to this woman who has been striving not only to make women economically independent but also make sure that they are given due respect. Mrs Yadav and her remarkable social work has earned her the title of ‘Brand ambassador’ for state government’s Janana Suraksha Yojana (maternity security scheme). Zee TV Mumbai conferred her with ‘Zee Astitwa Award’ in 2008 and Government of India awarded her with ‘Stree Shakti Award’, to name a few.
Ahir wants coal block allocations cancelled
TNNAug 19, 2012, 07.07AM IST
NEW DELHI: BJP MP Hansraj Gangaram Ahir, who had been at the forefront of a campaign against indiscriminate allocation of coal blocks, has demanded immediate cancellation of all allocations. "Only 0.1% of the coal has been extracted, so we can recover the revenue almost fully, unlike in 2G case," Ahir said.
Ahir has been writing to various authorities highlighting the irregularities in allocation of coal blocks to various entities, including 189 private companies. It was on Ahir's complaint that the CVC asked the CBI to investigate the allocation.
"I am relieved that the CAG audit has proved what I had been saying all these months and years. There is no more doubt that it was a scam," Ahir told TOI.
"The immediate first step is to cancel the allocations and restore the blocks to the government," he said. Ahir, who represents Chandrapur in Mahasrashtra, said he was writing to the PM demanding immediate scrapping of the allocations "so that we don't lose any more".
He differed with the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) over the estimate of losses to the exchequer, though he didn't want to make an issue out of it.
"The report is an honest work by the CAG," he said. The CAG has estimated that the absence of a competitive bidding process has resulted in private coal block allottees getting financial gains to the tune of Rs 1.86 lakh crore.
In his estimate, Ahir projects a revenue loss of over Rs 12 lakh crore to the exchequer. He said the total coal deposit allotted is worth over Rs 50 lakh crore, and the estimate of the loss is arrived at after discarding wastage etc.
He said the Congress argument that it went ahead and allotted the blocks without waiting for a policy on auction to come through to meet power shortage was absurd. "Of the 189 companies that the government allotted coal blocks 116 are steel companies. Just 62 of them are into power generation," he said. "The Congress party is confusing people," he added.

DIMPLE YADAV (Wife of Shri Akhilesh Yadav)
Dimple Yadav wins unopposed from Kannauj
Ms Dimple Yadav, wife of UP chief minister Akhilesh Yadav is all set to create a history of sorts by getting elected unopposed to the Lok Sabha.
The two independent candidates in the fray -- Sanjay Katiyar and Dashrath Shankhwar of Sanyukt Samajvadi Dal-- withdrew their names on Friday morning, leaving Ms Dimple Yadav as the lone candidate in the fray.
A formal announcement of her election to the Lok Sabha is expected to be made later by the Election Commission. The state assembly, on Friday, congratulated Ms Dimple Yadav on her ‘historic victory.’
Major political outfits including Congress, BJP and BSP had not fielded any candidate against Dimple Yadav. The Kannauj seat was won by Mr Akhilesh Yadav thrice and the latter resigned after he became chief minister of UP. Kannauj is considered a bastion of the Yadav family.
Thirty-five year old Dimple’s historic win in the Kannauj by-election is a major compensation for the humiliating defeat she had suffered in Ferozabad by election in 2009 when she lost to Mr Raj Babbar of the Congress by over 85,000 votes.
Dimple is the 44th candidate to be elected unopposed to the Lok Sabha after Independence and also the youngest after 1989.
In the 1951 Lok Sabha elections, nearly 10 candidates had been elected unopposed and in 1957 the number went up to 11. In the subsequent elections, 3 were elected unopposed in 1962, five in 1967, one in 1971, two in 1977, one each in 1984 and 1989.
These victories were in general elections and if by-elections are taken into account, nine candidates have been elected unopposed in by-polls since 1951.
Meanwhile, celebrations began at the Samajwadi Party office at high noon as soon as the news came in that the two independents had withdrawn from the fray. Samajwadi activists danced with gay abandon at party offices in Lucknow and Kannauj and celebrated ‘Bhabhi ji’s victory by distributing sweets.
Chief minister Akhilesh Yadav thanked the people for reposing their faith in him and ensuring a historic victory for Dimple Yadav. He promised to fulfill the promises that he had made to the people of Kannauj and said that development would be on the top of his priority list.
Dimple, who is known to be extremely media shy, was unavailable for comment
Baba Jai Gurudev's legacy: Pankaj Yadav to inherit R12,000 crores

Baba Jaigurudev himself was born in a Yadav family of Etawah (U.P)
Mathura: Pankaj Yadav has been declared the heir apparent of Baba Jai Gurudev who departed for his heavenly abode on May 18.
Hence, Yadav will be inherit property of Baba which is said to be to the tune of Rs 12,000 crores.
But Yadav wasn't the only one in the running for a slice of Baba's legacy. Baba's disciples were apparently divided into two groups—one faction stressed on the fact that Baba had laid to rest all questions regarding his successor at his Bashiratganj 'satsang' on May 16, 2007. As per the decree, new disciples joining the satsang would be given 'naamdaan' by Umakant Tiwari. Tiwari, notably, had the support of many disciples of Baba.
Baba had accounts and fixed deposits in half a dozen banks. An amount ot the tune of Rs 100 crore is said to be deposited in Baba's SBI account with Mandi Samiti branch. His immovable property includes mainly the ashram and property on Mathura-Delhi highway. A new ashram is being constructed in Itawah at Khitaura. As per an estimate, Baba Jai Gurudev has land worth Rs 4,000 crores. There's a school and a petrol pump in Mathura in the name of Jai Gurudev Trust.
Baba's fleet of cars includes luxury sets of wheels, like Plymouths, Mercedes Benzs, Skodas and BMWs. The total cost of these cars in Baba's convoy is estimated to be over Rs 150 crores.
Mulayam receives prestigious International Jurists Award
London, May 29, 2012
Samajwadi Party chief Mulayam Singh Yadav and Pakistan's Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry have been awarded the prestigious International Jurists Award 2012. Yadav, former defence minister and ex-chief minister of Uttar Pradesh, was selected for the award for his unflinching "contribution to the advancement of the bar and the bench."
"His support to the development of the legal fraternity is unparalleled in the world," said the citation, read out at
the International Conference of Jurists on Rule of Law, yesterday evening.
Yadav was, however, not present to receive the award. Justice Chaudhry received the award from Lord Phillips, President of the Supreme Court of the UK, for his "unique and tremendous contribution in the field of administration of justice and for the tireless and fearless endeavours towards administration of justice in Pakistan against all odds."
Shortly before Justice Chaudhry received the award, two persons barged into the auditorium at the Hotel Court House
raising slogans against killings of Shias in Pakistan.
"I accept this award with profound gratitutde on behalf of the Judiciary of Pakistan and the people of Pakistan who had struggled for the independence of Judiciary." Justice Chaudhry said, in a brief statement.
"The protest indicated that the freedom of speech is live and well." Lord Phillips, referring to the protest demonstration said, while presenting the award.
Referring to corruption, one of the topics discussed at the conference, Lord Phillips made an indirect reference to
social activist Anna Hazare's movement against corruption in India without naming him. "India was in lead to stamp
out corruption. Unfortunately it did not happen." He said at the comference.
In his address, Adish C Aggarwala, senior advocate and President of the International Council of Jurists, called upon
Jurists from all over the world to stand united and make a "sincere effort to bring about reforms and accountability in
the system of administration of justice.
"We shall re-dedicate ourselves to the service of society, and ensure easy, faster and equal justice to all." He said.
Akhilesh Yadav to be youngest Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister
New Delhi: Akhilesh Yadav, son of Samajwadi Party (SP) leader Mulayam Singh, was on Saturday named the next chief minister of Uttar Pradesh by his party's lawmakers. Akhilesh, 38, was nominated to the top post by SP legislators at a meeting in Lucknow. He will be the youngest chief minister of the country's most populous state.
Akhilesh met the Uttar Pradesh Governor later and staked claim to form the government. There were reports of celebrations by Samajwadi Party workers across the state as the news of Akhilesh being chosen as the CM got public. He will be sworn-in as the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh on March 15.
"The swearing-in ceremony will be held on March 15," Akhilesh Yadav told reporters in Lucknow. The young leader said tackling law and order situation and fulfilling the SP's promises in its election manifesto will be his top priority.
His name was proposed in a key party meet by senior leader Azam Khan, and was supported by the members of the Samajwadi Party at the legislative board meeting.
As soon as his name was approved, Akhilesh touched the feet of his 73-year-old father Mulayam Singh Yadav to take his blessings.
The name of Akhilesh, a three-time MP from Kannauj, as the chief minister was earlier proposed by his father and three-time CM of UP, Mulayam Singh Yadav, while the young leader had maintained that he wanted his father to head the state.
In his speech, Azam Khan, considered the Muslim face of SP, said Akhilesh was being given a big responsibility and hoped he would discharge it successfully. He rejected Mayawati's claim that Muslims shifted to SP because of the fear of the BJP and said the Muslims were always with the SP from the days of Babri Masjid demolition.
"The party got more votes than it got after Babri mosque demolition", Khan added.
Akhilesh at the age of 38 has become the youngest chief minister of Uttar Pradesh. There were strong voices within the party supporting him to be the chief minister.
Though there were oppositions from Mulayam’s brother Shivpal Singh Yadav on the name of Akhilesh as the chief minister, he was later convinced by the former chief minister.
The Congress did not delay in congratulating Akhilesh on the achievement. Union Sports Minister Ajay Maken posted a tweet saying, "All the Best Akhilesh! Prove that the Youth of this country has matured to assume a leadership role.High expectations the only disadvantage."
It must be noted that the credit for the win of the Samajwadi Party and the routing of Mayawati-led Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) has been unanimously given to a rigorous campaign by Akhilesh across the state.
The state has seen several clashes between supporters of the SP and the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) after election results were declared on March 6. The Samajwadi Party secured a brute majority of 224 seats in the 403-member state assembly ousting Mayawati's BSP government.
Akhilesh, a postgraduate from Sydney, is seen as the modern face of the Samajwadi Party, which used to abhor the use of computers and the English language. Akhilesh, an MP from Kannauj, will have to get elected to the state assembly within six months of his taking over as the state chief minister.
Uttar Pradesh, with a population of around 200 million, is a politically critical state as its sends 80 MPs to the 545-seat Lok Sabha.
Mumbai Marathon: Yadav gets Olympic berth, Moiben, Abeyo emerge winners.

MUMBAI: African domination continued at the Standard Chartered Mumbai Marathonas Kenya's Laban Moiben and EthiopianNetsanet Abeyo bagged the top honours in men's and women's categories in the ninth edition on Sunday.
Among the Indians, veteran long distance runner Ram Singh Yadav booked his berth for the London Olympics.
Moiben, whose previous best timing in a marathon was 2:09:44 -- set in Ottawa in May 2010 -- won the race in a photo finish as he completed the 42-km race in 2:10:48.
Ethiopian Raji Assefa also clocked 2:10:48 but was adjudged second after photo finish results while compatriot John Kyui (2:10:54) was third.
Fatuma Sado (2:30:20) and Makda Harun (2:30:47), followed Abeyo (2;26:12) to complete an all-Ethiopian sweep in the women's category.
The top winners in the two categories got a prize money of USD 36,000 each.
Tanzania's Dickson Marwa and Simon Kasimili were the initial pace setters as they exchanged the lead position during the the first 15 km stretch.
However, after the initial surge, Marwa fell behind and it was here that Kyui and Moiben began their domination. It was at about the 30km stretch that Moiben took the lead which he held throughout.
However, it was a close tussle for the two runners-up places which Assefa and Kyui finally managed to grab.
Yadav, who held the course record for the Indians here -- 2:18:03 set in 2009 -- finally fulfilled his potential as he completed the race in 2:16:59, bettering Olympic qualification timing of 2:18 hours. The Armyman was followed by Elam Singh (2:18:27), who narrowly missed qualification, and T A Rajesh (2:24:25).
Yadav said that his armymates Elam Singh and Karan Singh, who ultimately faded out after being in the lead in the Indian bunch to finish 20th, had given him good competition after he tried to match the Kenyans initially.
"I started strongly and tried to keep pace with the Kenyan runners for 2-3 km but realised that if I continued to do so I would fade out at the 21-22 km mark. Elam Singh and Karan Singh were hot on my heels and I was afraid I would be beaten too by them," said Yadav, who became the eighth Indian athlete to attain the qualifying mark for the London Games.
The other Indians who have achieved the mark are: Vikas Gowda (men's discus), Krishna Poonia (women's discus), Mayookha Johnny (women's triple jump), Tintu Luka (women's 800m), Gurdev Singh, Babubhai Panucha (men walkers with Gurdev attaining A mark and Panucha reaching B mark) and Om Prakash Singh (men's shot put).
"The weather was very helpful this time and there was no head wind too which also helped," Yadav added.
Army coach AS Mathew was also very emotional at his ward Yadav reaching the mark and also felt that the weather played its part.
"It was the best weather since the inception of the Mumbai Marathon. It was to the advantage of the runners. He had missed the qualifying mark earlier narrowly," said Mathew.
Mathew, who said a number of runners had trained at Wellington near Ooty ahead of the race, also took the opportunity to take a pot shot at the Athletics Federation of India for having given a 45-day break to the campers.
"They have a 45-day break. No other country does this. But the good news is that AFI has decided now, after my talks with Mr Dogra (AFI director) that 4 women and 6 men marathoners will be supported well," said Mathew.
Elam Singh said he was quite satisfied with his performance as he had converted from steeplechase to marathon running only 10 months ago.
"I am pleased with my performance. It was my first marathon. I was a 3000m steeplechase runner. It's a huge change from running 3 km to 42 km," said Bishnoi.
CAG dismisses ex-colleague's figure on 2G spectrum loss
Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) Vinod Rai today dismissed claims by a former colleague that 'actual' loss of revenue due to 2G spectrum allocation was Rs 2,645 crore, saying various estimates upto Rs 4.19 lakh crore were projected during the audit process.

Vinod Rai- The Comptroller & Auditor General (CAG) of India
Rai appeared before the Joint Parliamentary Committee, a day after R P Singh, ex-Director General, Audit (Post and Telecommunications) and lead auditor of the 2G audit report, claimed that the presumptive loss of Rs 1.76 lakh crore due to 2G spectrum allocation was a 'mathematical guess'.
The CAG also told the JPC that DG (P&T) had given some other loss estimates in his draft report -- Rs 1,02,498 crore and Rs 65,000 crore -- on account of 2G spectrum allocation and the earlier figure was included in the final report.
"Different figures on loss estimates ranging from Rs 2,645 crore to Rs 4.19 lakh crore were projected at different stages of the audit process," JPC Chairman P C Chacko told reporters after the meeeting.

Rai with his wife after swearing-in on January 7, 2008
HERE is the final BoI (www.babusofindia.com) list of 5 Most Powerful Bureaucrats of India, 2011. Surprisingly, it’s not a PMO babu who is ranked top, but 1972 batch retired IAS Vinod Rai has been chosen as India’s most powerful bureaucrat, 2011. Rai, who took over as Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) in January 2008, has been a game-changer, forcing the government guessing what damning report comes next in this season of scams. On certain occasions, Prime Minister himself took on Rai, but the CAG remained unperturbed and indirectly dragged the PMO in Commonwealth Games fiasco.
In this BoI power list, third in last three years, Rai has piped those like Pulok Chatterji and TKA Nair. The list has been prepared after evaluating the opinions of 50 politicians and bureaucrats in Delhi’s corridors of power, and using inputs from BoI’s own assessment.
Rai, who was the Union banking secretary before joining as CAG, has cornered the government with his reports on 2G scams and Commonwealth Games. India’s investigating agency CBI has so far arrested 17 honchos including a former telecom minister, former telecom secretary and several top business executives in connection to the 2G scam. Rai is however being criticized by a section in the government for entering into the policy space which auditors are not supposed to intrude.
The CAG report on Air India and KG Basin will be tabled in the House today (Tuesday). The KG Basin report is likely to raise uncomfortable questions to India’s most powerful business house, Reliance Industries.
A post-graduate in economics from Delhi School of Economics and public administration from Harvard University, Rai spends his spare time in playing tennis.
Nargis Yadav, world's 7 billionth baby, birth symbolic in nature
Swati Mathur, TNNNov 1, 2011, 04.18AM IST
LUCKNOW : Nargis Yadav of Dauraha village on the outskirts of the city was declared the symbolic seven billionth resident of the world on Monday. Nargis was born at 7:20am at Mall block's community health centre to farmer couple Ajay and Vinita Yadav and weighed 3kg at the time of birth.
Steering clear of making statistical claims of Nargis being the seven billionth individual on the earth, Plan International, the UK-based civil society organization behind the identification exercise, maintained that Nargis' birth was more symbolic in nature.
Executive Director, Plan India, Bhagyashri Dengle, said, "It is not possible for us or anyone to claim that one child is the seven billionth baby. However, since the United National Population Fund had estimated that the world's population would breach the seven billion mark on October 31, we decided to celebrate the arrival of the first girl child at this health centre on this day and call her the seven billionth baby. Nargis is a symbolic child."
In 1999, the United Nations had designated Bosnian baby Lorrize Mae Guevarra as the world's six billionth resident. This time, however, it decided not to weigh in, encouraging individual countries, instead, to identify their own "symbolic" seven billionth baby. As a result, news of the arrivals of several seven billionth children poured in from various corners of the globe, including at least three claims from within UP. Birth of a girl-Danica May Camacho-in Manila just past Sunday midnight also hogged limelight and Guevarra was there to welcome her.
To celebrate Nargis' arrival as a milestone in the girls' right to survive, Plan International, the only international civil society organization involved in the seven billionth endeavour, also identified six other girls, born between October 30 and 31, who will be sponsored by seven eminent woman ambassadors. "We wanted to maintain continuity with the digit 7. Five children who have been sponsored were born on October 30, while two were born on October 31. Nargis was the first baby girl born on the 31st," Dengle added.
In a formal ceremony organized by Plan India, Dr Ashok Mishra, chief medical officer, Lucknow, handed over Nargis' birth certificate to her father Ajay Yadav. Birth certificates of the other six children, identified as Shweta, Nisha, Mohini, Sangeeta, Manhika and Reeta, were also handed over to their fathers by sponsors and Plan India representatives.
The seven babies will be sponsored by Arti Kirloskar, secretary, Plan India board, conservation architect Abha Narain Lambah, Sitar player Anoushka Shankar, dancer and choreographer Mallika Sarabhai, environmental activist Sunita Narain, Gayatri Singh, from local royal family and UP-based civil servant Kismet Sagar.
"UP, with the maximum population, is home to a skewed sex ratio and several instances of female foeticide. Nargis addresses that,the issue of the declining child sex ratio. '' a Press officer, Plan International officer , Davinder Kumar, said.
Japanese scholar maps complex caste equations in Bihar
Fascinated by the intricate caste equations which have played a decisive role in determining the fortunes of political parties in Bihar, a Japanese scholar has been visiting the state since 1974, when socialist leader Jayaprakash Narayan launched the 'Total Revolution'.
Ohashi Masaaki, a professor of rural sociology at Keisen University in Japan, has been closely mapping the vicissitudes of the Yadav community in Bihar.
Masaaki (58) has now returned to his 'favourite' place to do extensive research on the lifestyle of Yadavs living in the rural areas of the state.
"I am doing an academic research on the social, economic, political and other aspects of the Yadav community in Bihar under the Nitish Kumar-led government," Masaaki said.
He said the Yadavs had emerged politically stronger after their leader Ram Lakhan Singh Yadav, a former MP, organised a convention at Gaya in 1976. "But they became a real political force to reckon with after RJD president Lalu Yadav came to power," Masaaki added.
Masaaki thinks the caste equations in Bihar are changing under the incumbent chief minister Nitish Kumar and it would be interesting to study the position of the Yadavs from a fresh perspective now.
"The majority of Yadavs strongly supported Lalu when he was in power, but that is not the case now," he said. "They have split and joined other parties."
The Japanese professor said the caste system had somewhat weakened in Bihar but it could not be done away with entirely because of the politics of vote bank in the state.
This is not the first time that Masaki is doing research on a particular caste in the state. "I have already done research work on various castes and communities in Bihar such as Pasi, Teli, Kurmi, Koeri and Bhuiyan, also known as Mushhars," he said.
He said the Kurmis and Keoris had earlier come together under the 'Luv-Kush' front but had fallen apart.
Masaaki said he had found out during the course of his research that the social and economic conditions of the underprivileged castes such as Bhuiyans from Gaya had hardly changed over the years.
"I have been studying Bihar's caste system for the past 12 years but I have not noticed any perceptible change in their lifestyle," he said.
"Other castes such as Pasis and Telis have forged ahead in their lives, thanks to their business," Masaaki added.
Read more at:http://indiatoday.intoday.in/story/japanese-scholar-maps-caste-equations-bihar/1/158913.html

Cricketer Umesh Yadav found place in Indian national Team against West Indies.
Judge feted for disposing of record number of cases in a year
Allahabad: Amidst concerns over rising pendency rates in courts across the country, a judge of the Allahabad High Court was felicitated here for having disposed of a record number of nearly 30,000 cases in just a year.
The felicitation programme, organised by the High Court Bar Association (HCBA), was held inside the court premises in honour of Justice Ravindra Singh who has been credited with having disposed of 29,395 cases during the period July, 2009 and July, 2010.
Speaking on the occasion, HCBA chairman N C Rajvanshi hailed Justice Singh for his "extraordinary efficiency in dispensing justice" and disclosed that an application has been sent to the Guinness Book of World Records for the inclusion "of this feat which seems to have no parallel anywhere in the world".
Thanking the lawyers, Justice Singh said he was proud of his association with the Allahabad High Court "which has been one of the most distinguished judicial bodies in the country and where the wonderful coordination between the Bench and the Bar enables the speedy disposal of cases".
Born on July 02, 1953, in a family of agricultural labourers in Mainpuri district of Uttar Pradesh, Justice Singh competed his LLB from Allahabad University in 1977 and began his legal practise at the Allahabad High Court a year later.
As a lawyer, Justice Singh made his mark in criminal cases and in 2003, the Uttar Pradesh government appointed him as the Additional Advocate General of the state.
He was elevated to the post of Additional Judge of the High Court on September 24, 2004, and made a permanent judge on August 18, 2005.